Place your listings in the palm of buyers’ hands. With in-depth property info and on-the-go contact capabilities, you’ll be selling houses up from under people’s feet.
Place your listings in the palm of buyers’ hands. With in-depth property info and on-the-go contact capabilities, you’ll be selling houses up from under people’s feet. Add photos and listing details so users are ready to buy before they reach the front door.
- Add new property listings daily
- Broadcast open house dates
- Customize click-to-call and email features
- Give one-touch directions
- Sync up YouTube channels for virtual tours
- Calculate mortgage rates right through the app
- Showcase the neighborhood hotspots
- Push notifications and much more...

Why Realtors Need a Mobile App
Listings are the main reason that real estate companies develop apps, but that isn’t all. You can use them for marketing and promotion too. Using geofencing and push notifications, you’ll recruit new clients right from the app, based on their own needs, interest and location.