Many Users Delete Emails That Don't Look Good In Their Mobile Devices!
Investment in Design And Coding Resources To Ensure Optimal Experience On Mobile Devices Is A Must

Email professionals say making a responsive email takes days. They are right!
Email based customer interaction and newsletter marketing has drastically grown in importance for all types of companies over the past few years. Despite the critical nature of email readability and usability, most newsletter and email designs don’t take into account that:
- the majority of email opens now takes place on a mobile device and,
- that images are not displayed automatically in over half of all email opened.
CNetMarketing.com addresses this by offering state-of-art Responsive Emails Design. Using rich, HTML-based, content elements, the important parts of the message will be clear to the recipient by default. Clearly the message can be reinforced or illustrated through the use of images.
Every email client is different
Email clients use different rules for displaying an HTML email. RED is build on a rock solid foundation assuring that emails display consistently.